
Cryogenic Deflashing Machine Guardian

STMC has added several new features and options to the NS series cryogenic deflashing machine to ensure optimal efficiency in hot and humid environments. Cryogenic deflashing is a highly effective and efficient solution for removing excess burrs on rubber and plastic components that are difficult to remove manually. However, due to the requirement of ultra-low and stable temperatures for the cryogenic parts, many machines on the market suffer from decreased performance and frequent maintenance issues when used in hot and humid climates or factories.


The working environment of most rubber and plastic manufacturing companies worldwide is hot and humid, which can significantly impact the performance of machines. The build-up of moisture inside and around the machines during operation or after use can lead to crystallization, resulting in a serious decline in machine performance.During cryogenic operation, liquid nitrogen generates moisture, and when the machines are idle in a high-temperature environment, this moisture can freeze and form ice, causing processing issues. Therefore, moisture resistance is a crucial requirement for improving machine performance and preventing unnecessary downtime during the production process.

Over the years, STMC has been continuously developing and innovating the NS series to improve the quality and enhance the efficiency of the machines, making cryogenic deflashing more cost-effective and reducing labor intensity. In this process, STMC has added several special features that significantly reduce the occurrence of potential production damages.

The centrifugal separator fan currently installed in the NS cryogenic deflashing machine serves the purpose of preventing the freezing of residual moisture after processing. Additionally, all temperature-sensitive components are installed in a completely insulated part of the machine, including the drying air system used to transport the cryogenic deflashing plastic pellets from the feeding hopper to the sandblasting chamber. Furthermore, the machine features a special cooling function during idle times to prevent moisture accumulation and maintain the normal operating temperature in crucial operational areas.

Compared to the cyclone separator, the 99.99% dry air system prevents any unnecessary damage to the polycarbonate medium and reduces downtime. The primary drawback of using a screw drill is its rapid degradation of the polycarbonate medium, making it a labor-intensive cleaning process.

If you would like to learn how the cryogenic deflashing machine can benefit your production, please contact us at +4000500969.

Post time: Nov-28-2023